Auditor General of the Republic of Croatia at SAO SR and in the Parliament

Auditor General of the Republic of Croatia at SAO SR and in the Parliament

Auditor General of the Republic of Croatia, Mr. Ivan Klesić with the delegation visited the Supreme Audit Office of SR (SAO SR) on September 7th, 2011. In SAO SR he was welcomed by the President of SAO SR, Mr. Ján Jasovský who also held the common discussions. The representatives of SAO SR presented to the supreme representative of Croatian SAI the knowledge and experience of the Office on the quality audit system, on the changes for SAIs after accession to EU and on the performance measurement of SAI regarding the communication with citizens. The guests expressed their interest in some documents regulating the internal procedures of the Office in the phase of audit. After the meeting at SAO SR, Mr. Ivan Klesić with the delegation accompanied by Mr. Ján Jasovský visited also the National Council of SR (NC SR). After short sightseeing of the Parliament he was welcomed directly at the Parliamentary session by the vice-chairman of NC SR, Mr. Béla Bugár.

Auditor General of the Republic of Croatia

The visit from the State audit Office of the Republic of Croatia, realized in compliance with the Agreement on Cooperation, contributed to mutual exchange of experience between both supreme audit institutions.
