Bratislava insufficiently recovered receivables and did not cultivate its assets

Bratislava, 4 February 2020 - In the past, the SAO SR auditors revealed non-standard reporting of data in the financial statements by the Slovak Capital, Bratislava. During the audit, they found that the City did not recover the receivables, did not have the necessary documents and ultimately wrote them off in the accounts in an incorrect manner.

In total, it was more than EUR 60 mil. The Office will pass its findings to the authorities active in criminal proceedings and will also propose an amendment to the law, which would introduce a mandatory discussion about financial statements by the city resp. municipal council. The national authority for external audit examined the financial statements of the Slovak capital for the period 2016-2018.

The full text of the press release about this audit in Slovak language is available here. Use the Google icon in the top bar for automatic translation into the desired language.
