Communication and Public Relations Division

Communication and Public Relations Division

The Communication and Public Relations Division is subordinate directly to the President of the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (SAO SR). It creates, coordinates and implements the communication, medial and promotional strategy of the Office. The division executes the activities of the Office speaker – supplies the official information, announcements and opinions in the Office´s name in collaboration with the Office organs and with relevant departments, regional offices and divisions of the Office.

Tends the applications to supply the information and related agenda according to the Freedom of Information Act in collaboration with the Legal Division and relevant Office departments and divisions. According to Freedom of Information Act, in the Office´s name, it decides about access to information in the first instance. Secures the communication and regular actual information to the media about the Office activities.

Secures the reports publishing about the results of audit activities by publishing „Spravodajca NKÚ SR“ (Reporter SAO SR) and the journal „Kontrolór“ (Auditor). The division organises press conferences and other meetings between the Offices deputies and media. It organises the Office President´s public appearances and secures his other media activities. Analyses and evaluates the media information about the Office activities.

Secures a presentation and promotion of the Office, including the Opening day organization. Secures monitoring of periodicals and non-periodicals and electronic media accenting the Supreme Audit Office activities.
