Control of transboundary movements of waste is insufficient; the authorities do not cooperate among themselves

Bratislava, 17 April 2020 - The rules for transboundary movements of waste in Slovakia are insufficient and do not meet the objectives the country has committed itself in international documents. The Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic audit showed that accurate, complete and reliable data about the transport of waste across the country are missing.

The Ministry of the Environment, the Slovak Environmental Inspectorate and the Financial Directorate responsible for the transit of waste in Slovakia, did not ensure sufficient control of its movement through Slovakia to Ukraine. There were also faults in the border control system, which made possible to change waste into goods as they passed. In 2015-2019, almost 91 thousand tons of waste passed through our territory, 77 thousand tons of it to Ukraine. The national authority for external audit draws attention to the need to change this system and prevent the risk of uncontrolled transport of large amounts of waste through our territory.

The full text of the press release about this audit in Slovak language is available here. Use the Google icon in the top bar for automatic translation into the desired language.
