EUROSAI GT 3 deliberations in Bratislava

EUROSAI GT 3 deliberations in Bratislava

The GT 3 (working group of the EUROSAI regional group) met at the SAI of Slovak Republic (SAI SR) in 12 and 13 November 2014. The working group GT 3 (its member is also SAI SR) deals with the issues in the area of information exchange within the community of the European organisation of the Supreme audit institutions EUROSAI. Nineteen representatives from all GT 3 eleven members SAIs participated at the fourth meeting of this working group chaired by the SAI of Czech Republic (SAI CR).

The GT 3 goal is cooperation and experience exchange among the EUROSAI members within the INTSOAI community. The working group concentrates to harmonise the present EUROSAI activities with the new enterprises created to support the relations with the international organisations associating the experts form the audit field.

EUROSAI GT 3 deliberations in Bratislava

The Bratislava meeting was opened with welcoming addresses made by SAI SR President Ján Jasovský along the SAI CR President Miloslav Kala. During two days of deliberations, the GT 3 members dealt with a broad range of topics like: annual report about implementation of the EUROSAI Strategic plan , EUROSAI Strategic plan and new challenges for 2014 – 2017 or the GT 3 operational plan. Also results of the workshop on exchange of knowledge, results and know-how from various workshops were presented like: seminar about the use of guidelines for audit compliance (ISSAI 400 a 4000-4999) organised by SAI CR, or best practices (organised by SAI of Lithuania) or seminar on communication, public relations and media (organised by SAI CR).

EUROSAI GT 3 deliberations in Bratislava

The GT 3 members highly appreciated the organisation of the meeting by SAI SR. The next GT 3 meeting in 2015 will be organised by SAI of Portugal.

EUROSAI GT 3 deliberations in Bratislava
