First half of the year in legislative initiatives and new audits for SAO SR

Bratislava, 20 August 2020 - The first initiatives of Parliament new members in the form of audits in the public RTVS or land fund were included in the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (Office) updated audit plan for 2020. Karol Mitrík, the Office President decided to include five new audits after negotiations with ministries new management. The Office will check not only the State material reserves, but also the crisis management system and contractual relations ensuring cyber security in Slovakia.

"In the first half of the year, we had to work with several variables," states Karol Mitrík when evaluating the Office activities. Following the Parliamentary elections in February, negotiations with new the Government new members, but also because of the Covid -19, the Office updated its audit plan prepared the previous year. "In the first half of the year, we adjusted the focus of audits, as it was not possible to audit subjects affected by the coronavirus. For example, we were not able to perform the audits in primary schools," he explains. He says that it is not easy to function during a pandemic and working from home, but the SAO has not stopped functioning thanks to quality audit IT system.

The full text of the press release about this audit in The Slovak language is available here. Use the Google icon in the top bar for automatic translation into the desired language.
