International audits

International audits

List of international parallel and coordinated audits of the Office took part in since the year 2000 and cooperating party:

Audit of Management of the State Financial means and Disposal with the State Property in the Administration of the Pieniny National Park, Poland

Audit of Application of the Provisions of the Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Danube River (Sophia Convention), Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Slovenia

Audit of Implementation and fulfillment of the tasks concerning the Protection of water against pollution in the watershed of the Baltic Sea (Helsinki Convention), Czech Republic, Poland

Audit of the Investment project Mária Valéria Bridge, Hungary

Audit of Utilization of Supporting Funds of the PHARE CBS Programme for Polish – Slovak Cross Border Co-operation for the Period 2000 - 2003, Poland

Audit of Administration of Value-added tax and Excise Taxes Between the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, Czech Republic

Audit of Management of the State Property and Finances Earmarked for the Provision of Asylum and Temporary Refugee to Foreigners in the Slovak Republic, Czech Republic

Audit of Management of the State Financial Means and State Property in the Administration of the National Parks, Poland

Audit of Construction of Highways and Expressways, Austria

Audit of Implementation of the Agreement on Cooperation on the Polish-Slovak state border, Poland

Audit of Tax Offices procedures in the process of Administration, Auditing and Exacting the VAT and Implementation of Tasks in the frames of VIES system, Czech Republic

Audit of the Custom Offices procedures in the process of Administration of Excise Taxes, Czech Republic

Audit of Transboundary Movement of Waste Between Ukraine, the Republic of Slovakia and the Republic of Poland Between the Period of 2004 and the First Six Month of 2007 in the Light of the Basel Convention, Poland, Ukraine

Audit of Providing the Subsidies for the Income taxes of the Legal entities, Germany, Russian Federation, Latvia, Hungary

Audit of Implementation of the Agreement on Transboundary Water Issues signed by the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of Ukraine, Ukraine

Audit of Management of the State Financial Funds for Air and Ozone Layer Protection and Implementation of Related International Agreements, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Austria

Performance Audit of the generally binding legal regulations and good praxis in the area of Education and Preparing for the Labor market of the Applicants for Jobs and Persons interested in Gaining jobs through the National Projects, Poland

Audit of Providing the Subsidies for the Income taxes of the Legal entities, Germany, Russian Federation, Latvia, Hungary

Audit of Transparency in the Process of Providing the Subsidies, Working Group

Audit of Effectiveness of Internal Control System of Structural Funds for the Program period 2007 – 2013, Czech Republic (observer), Hungary, Poland, Austria

Audit of Structural Funds in the area of Employment, Members of Working Group of the Contact Committee

International Co-ordinated  Audit of Chernobyl Shelter Fund, Ukraine, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Russian Federation, ECA

2009 – 2010
Audit of Management of Public Funds of SR invested for the Construction of Highways and Expressways, Germany

Realization of the Operational Program of the Cross-border Cooperation of the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic in the years 2007 – 2013, Poland

2010 – 2011
Ensuring of Epizootic Security of State after Entrance to the Schengen Space, Lithuania, Poland

Performance Audit of Social Programs for the Professional Integration of People with Disabilities, 14 countries of EUROSAI

Realization of the Operational Program of the Cross-border Cooperation of the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic in the years 2007 – 2013, Poland (continue)

Audit on Utilization and Management of EU Funds and Public Funds Allotted for Bike Routes, Hungary

Realization of the Operational Program of the Cross-border Cooperation of the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic in the years 2007 – 2013, Poland (continue)

Audit on Utilization and Management of EU Funds and Public Funds Allotted for Bike Routes, Hungary (continue)

Audit of the level of providing with mountain rescue service, Poland

Parallel Audit on Simplification of the Regulations in Structural Funds (.PDF / 1 MB)
Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden
