International Committees and Working Groups

International Committees and Working Groups

The Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic is a member of several international committees and working groups:

INTOSAI committees and working groups
INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee
INTOSAI Sub-committee on Compliance Audit
INTOSAI Sub-committee on Promote best practices and quality assurance through voluntary peer reviews
INTOSAI Working Group on IT Audit (as observer)
INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (as observer)
INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators
Task Force on the Global Financial Crisis: Challenges to SAIs (as observer)

EUROSAI working groups
EUROSAI Strategic Plan 2011-2017, Goal Team 1 – Capacity Building
EUROSAI Strategic Plan 2011-2017, Goal Team 2 – Professional Standards
EUROSAI Strategic Plan 2011-2017, Goal Team 3 – Knowledge Sharing
EUROSAI Information Technology Working Group
EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing
EUROSAI Task Force on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes

Contact Committee working groups
Liaison Officer
Network on National SAI Reports on EU Financial Management
Working Group on Activities on Value Added Tax (as observer)
Working Group on the Audit of Structural Funds
Group on Agricultural Audit (as observer)
EU SAIs Network on Fiscal Policy Audit
Network on Lisbon Strategy / EUROPA 2020 Audit (as observer)
Working Group on Public Audit Deficits

Other working groups
Task Force of V4+2 SAIs on fight against corruption
Liaison Officer Concerning the Statements of preliminary findings of ECA 
