National auditors point out the inefficient use of public finances and the non-transparent use of State property

BRATISLAVA, 27 April, 2020 - Karol Mitrík, the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic  President, will present a comprehensive view of public power functioning and the implementation of key public policies in Slovakia in a report about the audit activities of the national authority for external control.

The report summarises the results of the work for 2019 and offers conclusions from 39 audits and expert analytical studies. Among other things, the Office draws attention to the often-inefficient use of national or European funds, the non-transparent use of State property, but also the insufficient system of internal control. Last year's audit brought, in addition to examples of bad practice, also positive findings that can serve as inspiration or guidance for better and more effective governance.

The full text of the press release about this audit in Slovak language is available here. Use the Google icon in the top bar for automatic translation into the desired language.
