News 2

The SAI SR Vice-President Igor Šulaj with delegation attended the 67th INTOSAI Governing Board meeting in Abu Dhabi.  The Vice-President presented the attendees a report by the Sub-Committee on Peer Review covering the activities of the last year. There covered mainly the revision of the ISSAI 5600 – Guide on Peer Review and results of the global survey concerning the peer review within the INTOSAI community. The Governing Board approved the ISSAI 5600 draft for exposure at ISSAI web site according to INTOSAI Due process.

The cut-off date for the exposure was set to mid February 2016 and that would make it four and half month and that is more by some six weeks than required by the Due process. The ISSAI 5600 will be afterwards translated into all INTOSAI official languages and presented to the INTOSAI community for adoption at XXI INCOSAI in Abu Dhabi, December 2016.
