Our partners


New setting up of audits, a cross-sectional view of the national authority for external control requires cooperation not only with other control and audit institutions, but also with the scientific and academic communities and other expert associations.

The Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic concluded memoranda of cooperation with 28 organizations and institutions, thanks to them it can invite the experts from partnering environment to participate in the preparation, implementation and, last but not least, the evaluation of individual audits.

It is one of the ways to combine forces to multiple views into one goal, to offer recommendations to auditees that can not only take effective action, but also model systemic changes for support public policy sustainability and economy in public finance management.

Memoranda (in Slovak)

Cooperation Agreement between the Anti-Monopoly Office of the Slovak Republic and SAO SR (.pdf, 78k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Office for the Oversight in Audit Performance and SAO SR (.pdf. 81k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Health Care Surveillance Authority and SAO SR (.pdf, 201k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Public Procurement Office and SAO SR (.pdf, 323k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Slovak Chamber of Auditors and SAO SR (.pdf, 83k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Slovak Chamber of Tax Advisors and SAO SR (.pdf, 58k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Faculty of Health Care and Social Works, Trnava University and SAO SR (.pdf, 116k)

Cooperation Agreement between the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice and SAO SR (.pdf, 110k)

Cooperation Agreement between the University of Economics in Bratislava and SAO SR (.pdf, 105k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and SAO SR (.pdf, 102k)

Cooperation Agreement between the University of Sts Cyril and Methodius in Trnava and SAO SR (.pdf, 203k)

Cooperation Agreement between the University of Žilina and SAO SR (.pdf, 204k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information and SAO SR (.pdf, 596k)

Cooperation Agreement between the National Security Authority and SAO SR (.pdf, 591k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Institute of Financial Policy of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic and the Value for Money Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic and SAO SR (.pdf, 211k)

Cooperation Agreement the Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development, University of Agriculture and SAO SR (.pdf, 204k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Office of the Commissionaire for Children and SAO SR (.pdf, 112k)

Cooperation Agreement between Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica and SAO SR (.pdf, 84k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Faculty of Social and Economic Science, Comenius University in Bratislava and SAO SR (.pdf, 600k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Education SR and SAO SR (.pdf, 237k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Interior SR and Prosecutor General SR and SAO SR (.pdf, 232k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Council for Budgetary Responsibility and SAO SR (.pdf, 128k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Government Office SR and SAO SR (.pdf, 130k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Association of Towns and Communities of Slovakia and SAO SR (.pdf, 207k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Slovak Academy of Science and SAO SR (.pdf, 202k)

Cooperation Agreement between Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica and SAO SR (.pdf, 101k)

Cooperation Agreement between the Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing and SAO SR (.pdf, 234k)
