Police and Attorney General have known about APA corruption for at least a year and yet have done nothing, the SAO´s President revealed

Source: Aktuality.sk: daily updated news from the Slovak Republic and around the world
Author: Martin Odkladal 
Released on: 23/07/2020

The Supreme Audit Office has already revealed several suspicions of corruption or non-transparent management of public finances. However, the perpetrators mostly went unpunished. Karol Mitrík, the Supreme Audit Office President, harshly criticized the procedure of law enforcement agencies in detecting corruption. According to him, the well-known case Stock-breeder in the Agricultural Paying Agency is only a logical result how this institution functioned for many years. He revealed more about State and local government gross mismanagement in an interview for Aktuality.sk.

Read an interview The SAO SR President Karol Mitrík for Aktuality.sk in its entirety here in The Slovak language.
