President of SAO of the Slovak Republic and delegation visited Poland

President of SAO of the Slovak Republic and delegation visited Poland 


Signing the joint reports from international audits

President of the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (SAO SR) met his Polish counterpart Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, President of the Supreme Audit Office of the Polish Republic (SAO Poland) in October 8th and 9th, 2014 in Polish town of Rzeszów. The subject of the official visit was signing two reports from international collaborative audits as well as the renewed agreement on cooperation between SAO Poland and SAO SR.     

After several years of cooperation among the SAO SR Regional Offices from the Slovak towns of Košice, Prešov and Žilina, the SAO SR EU Funds Audit Department and the SAO Poland Regional Office in Rzeszów the joint report from the internationalAudit of the Operational Programme for Cross-Border Cooperation Poland – Slovak Republic 2007 – 2013 was finished and undersigned.      

Signing the renewed agreement on cooperation Successful cooperation among the SAO SR Regional Offices from the Slovak towns of Prešov and Banská Bystrica, the SAO SR Special Branches and Activities Department and the SAO Poland Regional Office in Krakow was concluded by signing the joint report from international Audit of Security Level in our Common Mountains performed by the Slovakian and Polish Rescue Services.   

New projects and themes of common interest were opened by undersigning both reports; they will be the topics of further discussions.

The delegations recalled more than 16 years of cooperation between SAO SR and SAO Poland that contributed to common augmentation of the audit work quality in the past years. In the given timeframe, thirteen bilateral and multilateral audits were successfully made.   

The good experience from the joint contacts will come about in active work of both offices in the future based on the renewed agreement on cooperation.

The ceremonious signing of the audit reports and cooperation agreement was preformed in the SAO Poland Regional Office of the Subcarpathian Province (Województwo Podkarpackie). A press conference and meeting with the journalists were organised at the occasion when the SAO SR and SAO Poland Presidents informed about the joint audits and agreement on cooperation.       

The SAO SR delegation led by its President Ján Jasovský was welcomed by the Subcarpathian Province Vice-Governor Alicja Wosika and City of Rzeszów Mayor Tadeusz Ferenc.   

Interviews for the local media

Press conference

With the City of Rzeszów Mayor Tadeusz Ferenc
