SAO SR delegation attended the IX. EUROSAI Congress

SAO SR delegation attended the IX. EUROSAI Congress

The SAO SR delegation, led by the Vice-president Vladimir Toth participated in the IX. EUROSAI Congress held in The Hague on 16 – 19. June 2014. This congress of the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions was attended by 151 delegates and 30 observers and guests from 50 countries. The heads of the delegations had an audience with His Majesty King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands.

The theme of “innovation” was the main topic of the congress, besides the administrative reports and the reports about task team activities. The topic followed in the Young EUROSAI Congress, which was held in November 2013 in Rotterdam. The innovation was not only the subject of negotiations, but the whole conception and organization of the congress was innovative. During two days parallel interactive working sessions were held, which had 35 different topics as the object. The meetings and events were proceeding by the spirit of support of appropriate access, how to become, whether as individuals or organizations, more open to receive new thoughts and ideas and their implementation into practice.

Within the congress negotiations, the SAO SR submitted reports about audited EUROSAI accounts for the last three years from the EUROSAI Congress in Lisbon. The reports were drawn up in cooperation with the SAI of Estonia, and its Auditor General Dr. Alar Karis presented the reports Congress plenary session.

At the invitation of the SAIs of Poland and Ukraine, the SAO SR delegation together with the SAIs delegations of Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Hungary participated in a special working meeting, which had the purpose to find views and ways to support the control activity field of the Ukrainian SAI.

Within the congress the SAO SR delegation was accorded by Andrea Vavríková, the Consul of the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in The Hague.

SAO SR delegation attended the IX. EUROSAI Congress

The congress finished by accepting the conclusions and recommendations focused on the intra-organizational culture area and leadership with respect to innovation, to provide information and reports to interested parties by the effective way and the open data (publicly available information) increasing the transparency of the public sector and its use.

SAO SR delegation attended the IX. EUROSAI Congress

SAO SR delegation attended the IX. EUROSAI Congress
