SAO SR evaluates 20 years of its work

SAO SR evaluates 20 years of its work

The festive event, at which we commemorated the 20th Anniversary of SAO SR foundation, consisted of several activities of the Office realized in the period of April 3 - 5, 2013. During these days we welcomed 40 foreign guests who took part in the Seminar, we organized
the „Open Day" for public and the Press conference for mass-media, as well as the festive part with the participation of the president of the Slovak Republic . During this event, the president of SAO SR, Mr. Ján Jasovský, awarded several employees for the development of SAO SR.

More information is available at PODUJATIA...

The publication issued by the occasion of 20th Anniversary of the Supreme Audit Office of SR 1993 – 2013 is available at DOKUMENTY...
