Slovakia is stealthily losing its cultural wealth, historical monuments are disappearing

Bratislava, March 13, 2020 - Financial subsidies for the restoration of cultural monuments are insufficient and often allocated in a non-systemic or non-transparent manner. With today's rules, the minimal restoration of all registered monuments that are in a state of disrepair would take 180 years. Slovakia lacks a comprehensive overview of financing the restorations or monuments technical condition.

This is stated by the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic based on the audit results of subsidies provided by the Ministry of Culture for the restoration of monuments. In the audited period 2016 - 2018, the Ministry invested EUR 57 mil, 86% of it was for the Slovak National Gallery reconstruction. The national authority for external audit considers important to adjust the rules for evaluating applications, with an emphasis in the whole process transparency. The Ministry of Culture, in cooperation with other ministries or the professional public, should also look for other forms of assistance that will help in the restoration of cultural wealth.
