Supreme Audit Institution of Norway presentation on fight against corruption in the field of environment

Supreme Audit Institution of Norway presentation on fight against corruption in the field of environment

Kjell Kristian Dorum, (Supreme Audit Institution of Norway), visited Supreme Audit Office of Slovakia on 5th December 2014, and presented a lecture on „Addressing Fraud and Corruption Issues when Auditing Environmental and Natural Resource Management".

Mr. Dorum presented the topic within the international agreements and international audit standards context. In his address, Mr. Dorum introduced the INTOSAI guideline devoted to this topic. He brought closer the corruption conduct origins in environment and natural resources management, focused attention onto the significance of risk evaluation and put forward the accompanying features suggesting corrupted behaviour. The presentation was supplemented by examples from real world.

Kjell Kristian Dorum, second from left

Representatives from Transparency International Slovakia, on Supreme Audit Office of Slovakia invitation, also participated at the presentation.

Supreme Audit Institution of Norway presentation on fight against corruption in the field of environment
