The auditors will check the system of dual education, debt relief of hospitals or social enterprises

Bratislava, 4 September 2020 - The health of the population, education and transport infrastructure will be among the priorities of the Supreme Audit Office (SAO SR) in the coming years. Next year, the national authority for external control plans to close not only the results of the verification of the State's readiness to fight infectious diseases and epidemics, comprehensive care for regional bridges, or the process of allocating teacher assistants to children with special needs. The auditors will also check the dual education system, the management of teachers' remuneration, the rules of operation of social enterprises and the effectiveness of debt relief for medical facilities. The SAO SR will publish the complete list of audits for 2021 at the end of this year.

The full text of the press release about this audit in The Slovak language is available here. Use the Google icon in the top bar for automatic translation into the desired language.
