The INTOSAI´s Capacity Building Committee and its Sub-Committees deliberations

The INTOSAI´s Capacity Building Committee and its Sub-Committees deliberations

The INTOSAI´s  Capacity Building Committee (CBC) and its Sub-Committees including the Sub-Committee to Promote Best Practices and Quality Assurance through Voluntary Peer Reviews chaired by the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (SAO SR) met at its yearly meeting in Lima, Peru. Igor Šulaj, the SAO SR Vice-President with Slovak delegation attended the meeting. 

The meeting, chaired by the SAI of the South Africa (Chair since 2013), and its arrangements allowed all Committee members not only their participation at the Committee plenary sessions but also at the Committee organs (Steering Committee and its two Sub-Committees) – that was a novelty and contribution of the new Committee Chair. Such approach allowed all members to play active role in the CBC work.    

The INTOSAI CBC deliberations

The meeting subject matter were the deliberations of TheSub-Committee to Promote Best Practices and Quality Assurance through Voluntary Peer Reviews and The Sub-Committee to Develop Advisory and Consultant services, the work team concerned by the auditors certification and CBC Steering Committee.   

The plenary deliberations had the following topics:

  • the impact of the coordinated audits, peer review and SAI PMF (Performance Measurement Framework) onto the capacity building;
  • strengthening the SAI capacities – building and strengthening strategic partnerships;
  • capacity building to fulfil the expectations arising from the Post 2015 UN Development Agenda;
  • intra-regional cooperation possibilities.     

The INTOSAI Sub-Committee for Peer Review deliberations

The programme was accompanied by the presentations of the regional working groups from EUROSAI, AFROSAI, OLACEFS, ASOSAI, ASEANSAI, ARABOSAI and PASAI; they informed on their regional SAIs work and the needs for effective discharge of their competencies.  

The meeting goal also was to present and discuss the CBC further work concept and strategic development leading up to the next INTOSAI Congress in 2016. At the end of the meeting, the proposal for the CBC and its Sub-Committees future work was adopted.   

Igor Šulaj, the SAI SR Vice-President, presents the Sub-Committee report at its meeting
