Visit of the former U.S. Comptroller General

Visit of the former U.S. Comptroller General

President of SAO SR, Mr. Ján Jasovský welcomed on April 27th, 2011 Mr. Charles A. Bowsher, former U.S. Comptroller General (GAO) in the frame of his visit of Slovakia. During his function, which he had been holding for 15 years, he made all efforts to enhance the control activity and improve the condition for the work of comptroller. During his function, the GAO was already in 1980 the first Office which called attention to the crisis in savings and loans.

Visit of the former U.S. Comptroller General

The President of SAO SR introduced to the guest the Supreme Audit Office of SR and informed him about its activities, scope and relation to the National Council of SR as well as running projects. Mr. Bowsher appreciated the effort of SAO SR being developed in the area of education as well as implementation of the project of External Independent audit - Peer review.

Consequently, Mr. Charles A. Bowsher presented to the employees of SAO SR the US Government Accountability Office, its history, development, scope and main activities.
