
At the Authority for Spatial Planning, they indulged themselves with a few thousand rewards and purchased luxury cars

Bratislava, 22 March 2024—An audit of the newly established Authority for Spatial Planning and Construction (ÚÚPV) of the Slovak Republic points to several shortcomings, such as a few thousand bonuses for some employees, an unfavourable lease of premises, or the purchase of luxury cars or sports equipment.

The Supreme Audit Office (SAO) auditors of the Slovak Republic found that the new office's representatives' steps were often non-transparent and formal, and the internal control system was not functional. "The office's proceedings were not transparent and, in some cases, raised doubts about the true reasons for some of the decisions made by the office," said Henrieta Crkoňová, the SAO's vice president. 

The Authority for Spatial Planning violated several laws, such as those on public procurement, financial control and audit, and budget rules. It also did not comply with government regulations on spending limits when purchasing official cars and with the national anti-corruption policy.

The full text of the press release about this issue in Slovak language is available here.
