
The Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic with its registered office at Priemyselná 2, 824 73 Bratislava (hereinafter referred to as "SAO SR") uses cookies to adapt the operation of the SAO SR website to the needs of the website visitors.

Cookies are small text files that your internet browser stores on your terminal device through which you access information on the SAO SR website.

The data (cookies) are used for the purpose of the correct optimal display and to ensure the functionality of the SAO SR website, without which it cannot function (hereinafter referred to as "necessary cookies"). In the case of the use of non-necessary cookies, your data will only be processed with your consent or based on a legitimate interest.

The processing of data is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Section 109(8) of Act No. 452/2021 Coll. on Electronic Communications.

The data is not provided to third parties, no data is transferred to third countries and no form of profiling is carried out. Necessary cookies do not include any personal data and it is not possible to identify you via them on third-party websites - including the websites of analytics providers. All such data is only processed to improve the services we provide through the website.

The use of necessary cookies on the SAO SR website is also possible without your consent. However, you can disable cookies in your browser at any time, but doing so may cause problems with the functionality of our SAO SR website during your browsing.

Necessary cookies

File name Purpose Storage period Service
NKU_COOKIE_CONSENT Information about the receipt of cookie information Permanent Technically necessary cookies
GUEST_LANGUAGE_ID Information about language settings Permanent Technically necessary cookies
nku_high_contrast Content contrast setting information Permanent Technically necessary cookies
LFR_SESSION_STATE_... Portal session state For the duration of the session Technically necessary cookies
JSESSIONID Portal session id For the duration of the session Technically necessary cookies
COOKIE_SUPPORT Support cookies Permanent Technically necessary cookies
BIGipServerpp-portal-pool Help information for loadbalancer For the duration of the session Technically necessary cookies
TS... Government cloud cookies For the duration of the session Technically necessary cookies


Cookies settings

By changing your browser settings, you have the option to allow or refuse cookies on the websites you visit. However, by refusing cookies you will not be able to use some of the functionality of this and other websites. Instructions on how to refuse cookies can be found on your browser's official website.