National auditors have successfully undergone an international quality and openness assessment - SAO
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Bratislava, April 30, 2021 - Specialists from the USA, Poland, Hungary and Finland assessed the performance of the Slovak National Authority for external audit as part of a year-long process of Peer review. By a detailed evaluation of the processes, as well as the output documents, they concluded that the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (SAO SR) achieves a high level of audit activity. The international team positively assesses SAO's openness towards civil society and the audited entities. The reserves were identified in the auditors' interactive communication with the national parliament. This is an important area because members of parliament can actively change existing legislation or force government officials to make systemic changes in implemented public policies thanks to the findings of the SAO.
This is the second international assessment of the SAO SR in the last three years. According to President Karol Mitrík, it is proof that the national authority is an open institution and considers the assessment of the quality of its work or the setting of a mirror to itself as a step to strengthening trust on the part of both, professional and the general public. "At the same time, it is a way towards increasing the professional knowledge of auditors and a more transparent assessment of state or public institutions," adds K. Mitrík. Members of the National Council of the Slovak Republic will discuss the SAO SR activities in the May session concerning the Annual Audit Activities Report of 2020.
The full text of the press release about this issue in Slovak language is available here. Use the Google icon in the top bar for automatic translation.