Events & Projects

President of SAI Slovak Republic held an official meeting with a member of European court of Auditors for Republic of Bulgaria

President of SAI Slovak Republic (SAI SR) Karol Mitrík welcomed on the 13th of April 2016 at the head office of SAI SR member of European court of Auditors (ECA) for Republic of Bulgaria Ilianu Ivanovovu. Work meeting was focused mainly on the issue of youth unemployment and the need of more effective aid. Current situation in this area was assessed as one of a great importance throughout all Europe.

“The topic of youth unemployment is very actual and very alive. The high rate of youth unemployment is alarming, it is therefore necessary to prepare expert analysis, so the causes of this condition are revealed, president of SAI SR Karol Mitrík stated on the meeting. He emphasized, that mentality and habits of young people are changing. “It is not just the matter of lack of job opportunities,” he explained. Together with Ivanovova they highlighted the need to implement a dual system of education that combines general and vocational theoretical education with practical training for pursuing the profession. “Education is not possible to break away from the practice.”

In connection with youth unemployment in Slovakia, SAI SR completed the audit focused on promoting employment and reducing of unemployment. The office reviewed 104 audited subjects, including the Central office of labour, social affairs and family and sheltered workshops, whereas reporting period was years 2012 up to 2014. The objective of the audit was to analyse, if actions of labour market were the right instruments for decreasing unemployment and to suggest recommendations of more efficient use of financial matters or of their redistribution. SAI suggested to audited subjects to develop unified, independent and transparent system by which all resources will be redistributed.

In the picture - President of SAI Slovak Republic (SAI SR) Karol Mitrík welcomed on the 13th of April 2016 at the head office of SAI SR member of European court of Auditors (ECA) for Republic of Bulgaria Ilianu Ivanovovu. JPG (582 kB)