Events & Projects

Seminar “Getting Ready for Peer Review”, November 2021

Seminar “Getting Ready for Peer Review”, November 2021

The Supreme Audit Office (SAO) of Slovakia, the Chair of the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee’s (CBC) Subcommittee on Peer Reviews, organized a virtual seminar on “Getting Ready for Peer Review” on November 10, 2021.

The seminar was officially opened Vice-President of SAO Slovakia Mr. Ľubomír Andrassy, who emphasized the commitment of SAO Slovakia, as Subcommittee Chair, to encourage SAIs’ participation in peer review and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience.

 Nine speakers from seven SAIs and the European Court of Auditors (ECA) shared their insights into peer review procedures, as well as concrete experiences from recent peer reviews of selected. Among speakers the SAO Slovakia by Mrs. Ľubica Gazdova, Director General contributed actively to the program by delivering the presentation on selected practical experience by SAO Slovakia gained in the process of Peer Review undergone in 2020. Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs). Seminar attends altogether t 68 participants from SAOs of INTOSAI.

The seminar elicited a rich discussion among participants about operational challenges. It also strengthened their understanding of peer review as a long-term, ongoing process involving multiple stakeholders and analyses, and requiring organizational commitment and solid project management. 

Moderation of discussion was provided by SAO Slovakia, Mr. Vladimir Maťuš manager of international affaires.

Entire seminar record is available on link:

The Agenda and Presentations of Seminar are available link:(Under heading: Ongoing Documentation from peer-review on-line seminar Getting ready for a peer review 10 November 2021)

After the seminar, the SAO Slovakia/ the Chair of the Subcommittee on Peer Reviews in the cooperation with speakers  elaborated the answers to the questions asked during the seminar reply to which required more time as allowed the event´s schedule Answers are available on the link (pdf, 180 kB):

To underline the importance of Peer Review, and also as a reflection to the seminar  the Intosai Journal published the interview with Mr. Benjamin Nelson, GAOs Managing Director for Audit Policy and Quality Assurance:

The Intosai Journal also published the article by SAO Slovakia to the Seminar :