Conference - SAO
Audit of the financing of political parties and election campaigns
The Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic invites you to the international conference "Audit of the financing of political parties and electoral campaigns", which is part of the activities of the Office within the European organisation of national audit institutions EUROSAI. The conference will take place on 27 November 2024 at the Bôrik Hotel in Bratislava.
- Photos from the conference available on slovak webpage
- Presentations from the conference
- Live stream available on YouTube
- Programme of the Conference (pdf, 1,4 MB)
This topic represents a new area for the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic, which is responding to current societal challenges. Due to the different legislative regulations in various EU Member States, it is essential to bring the issue of audit of political parties and election campaign financing closer to home. At the same time, the conference aims to increase the attractiveness of this agenda for both the professional and lay public.
The conference will be divided into two thematic blocks. The first block will focus on the legislative framework of financing political parties and election campaigns in the Slovak Republic, including a presentation of the situation in the Czech Republic. The second block will offer an international perspective - representatives of selected European countries will present their experience in controlling the financing of political parties and electoral campaigns, including audits and their results. Participants will thus have the opportunity to compare different approaches and lessons learned.
The conference aims to share information on the existing systems of financing political parties and electoral campaigns, both in the context of the Slovak Republic and selected European countries. The discussion will focus on the experience of the audits carried out and their conclusions. This objective may be adjusted from time to time based on conversations with the moderator and presenters, as well as based on contributions from conference participants.
The conference is designed for a wide range of professionals, including representatives of government bodies, academia, political parties, non-profit organisations and audit institutions. Participation is open to all those interested in political party and campaign finance issues. The list of participants will be continuously updated.
Live stream available on YouTube.