
Audit institutions from all over the world express solidarity with Slovakia

Bratislava, May 16, 2024 — Members of the European Court of Auditors and several heads of audit institutions from around the world expressed their sincere sympathy with the Slovak nation after the unprecedented attack on its prime minister.

The leaders of the audit organizations agreed that this is an absolutely unjustifiable attack not only on the life of a person, a politician but also a manifestation of violence that undermines the pillars of freedom and democracy.

"I thank all foreign partners are with us in these difficult moments and wish the prime minister a speedy recovery. For me, it is a human tragedy, and I find it very difficult to find words for it. I support the prime minister with my thoughts and faith in health, and I sympathize with his closest ones," states Ľubomír Andrassy, chairman of the Slovak National Auditors.

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