Declaration of accessibility is the website of the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic.

The website meets all basic accessibility standards for public administration information systems determined by the Law in the Collection of Laws No. 95/2019  on information technology in public administration.

The website is designed with maximum accessibility of content and functionality in mind and is accessible even after disabling the display of images, cascading style sheets (CSS) and JavaScript technology. It is defined in relative units and its content can be easily enlarged and reduced using standard web browser tools. Many of the files published in this site are in *.PDF format. To view these documents, you need to have Adobe Reader, a freely distributable PDF viewer, installed.

 The SAO of the Slovak Republic is the administrator of the content of the web site.

The technical operator of the web tool is  the SAO of the SR.

Operating systems and web browsers

The following operating systems and web browsers enable optimal viewing and working with the SAO SR web site:

MS Windows 10, MS Windows 11

     Edge 25 and higher

     Google Chrome 48 and higher

     Mozilla Firefox 44, ESR and higher

Mac OS X 10.9 and higher

     Safari 9.0.3 and higher

OS Linux

     Mozilla Firefox 44, ESR and higher

Full support cannot be guaranteed for combinations of operating systems and web browsers not listed.