
Auditors from North Macedonia came to the Slovak SAO to get inspired by setting up performance audits

Bratislava, April 17, 2024 – Auditors of the Supreme Audit Office of North Macedonia are getting inspiration at our office these days when setting up the methodologies of their own auditing activities. They are mainly interested in performance checks of management and the efficiency and effectiveness of projects financed by European funds.

Meeting North Macedonian and Slovak auditors, Ms Illieva

The Slovak SAO auditors briefed them on recent findings in transport, such as from the inspection of the National Highway Company or railway projects or the inspection of landfills or wastewater treatment plants. Other topics were inspections in healthcare — the construction of the Martin and Rázsochy hospitals, eHealth or the DRG system, or the National Center for Health Information registers. We also inspired them with the MuMap project and the controller's information system.

During the initial meeting with the North Macedonian Chairman of the National Audit Office, Mr Acevski, and Ambassador Ms Illieva, the head of Slovak auditors, Mr Andrassy, reiterated the importance of openness, education, and sharing experiences, underscoring the role of the Slovak SAO in this collaborative process.

Meeting North Macedonian and Slovak auditors
