
Central European and Baltic Sea auditors personally express solidarity with Ukraine

Kyiv, 4 June 2024 - The conflict in Ukraine triggered by Russian aggression continues even after more than two years. As a sign of solidarity, the heads of audit authorities from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia visited their colleagues from the Ukrainian Chamber of Accounts, Ukraine's supreme audit institution. "Once seen, a hundred times heard. Looking at the exhausted colleagues of the Ukrainian auditors, at the ruined country, one wonders how much longer," says Lubomir Andrassy, the Head of the National Audit Office, adding that it is only thanks to international aid that Ukraine is not on its knees today. With their visit, the heads of the Central European and Baltic inspection authorities symbolically expressed their solidarity with Ukraine in a difficult situation, noting that even the ongoing war has not interrupted relations.

Head of SAI Slovakia Mr. Andrassy with Ukrainian colleagues

Today, more than ever, it is essential to have a functioning and effective control system. For this reason, representatives of the six national audit institutions visited Ukraine to support it in fulfilling this critical mission of the supreme audit institution. "So that the resources that are supposed to help Ukraine and its people are accountable and so that the public can be assured that the financial assistance, as well as their own resources, are used not only lawfully but also as economically as possible and that personal or criminal liability is imposed without hiding in the event of misuse," said Ľ. Andrassy. According to him, any fraud or misuse of generous assistance could result in mistrust and the creation of barriers with unimaginable consequences not only for Ukraine but also for Europe.

The Slovak auditors extended their support beyond words. They brought three powerful laptops to their colleagues at the Kyiv Chamber of Accounts, enabling them to work from home. This gesture symbolizes the connection and interdependence of the authorities despite the war conflict in the region. Additionally, the head of the SAO offered his Ukrainian colleagues the use of an information system, which Slovak auditors also use in their work. This system allows them to carry out their work efficiently and safely even outside the premises of the Chamber of Accounts. He also informed them about possibly using the Office's training centre in Bojnice for their needs, further demonstrating their commitment to supporting their Ukrainian counterparts. 

The Slovak delegation also met with three families whom the SAO auditors helped with a symbolic financial contribution of three thousand euros. The amount of the donation was handed over by the Slovak Ambassador to Ukraine, Marek Šafin, last summer to three Ukrainian colleagues, whose families were among those who had to cope with the consequences of the Russian aggression to the greatest extent.

Heads of SAI Slovakia, Polan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Czechia with Head of Parliament of Ukraine Mr. Stefanchuk

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ruslan Stefantschuk, also received the heads of the supreme audit institutions.
The press release at the Official webportal of the Parliament of Ukraine
