
Cleaning up the files at the SPF has not proved successful, the number of pending applications has not significantly decreased

Bratislava 23 February 2024 – Serious managerial failures in the „File jam“ project, formal implementation of measures to improve the functioning of the institution, including on the subject of the fight against corruption, and an ineffective internal audit system. These were the conclusions of national auditors who returned to the Slovak Land Fund (SLF) after two years to check whether the property is being handled more efficiently and, most importantly, what measures have been taken by the fund's management to strengthen transparency. However, the shortcomings and risks identified in the past continued to persist in 2022 and 2023, mainly due to the absence of a departmental strategy that clearly defines the state's vision for the management of state-owned land and the disposal of land of unknown owners.

„The project "File jam" was primarily intended to improve the process of handling official files. At the same time, it was supposed to reduce the barrier of several thousands of accumulated and unresolved requests from the Fund's clients. This objective was not met, with problems identified by the auditors during the preparation of the project and persisting until its completion due to the failure of the Fund's senior management to address them. Internal audit by those in charge failed and missed its intended purpose,“ states the president of the Supreme Audit Office Ľ. Andrassy, adding that it is still necessary to take measures to improve internal management processes, to increase the efficiency of the personnel policy and to clearly define future projects in terms of their financing and rewarding.

The full text of the press release about this issue in Slovak language is available here.
