Events & Projects

EUROSAI Congress in Prague

Open the website XI EUROSAI CONGRESS in Prague

In 2017, SAI of Turkey took over 3-year presidency from Netherlands and in 2020, the presidency will be passed to the Czech SAO as a result of successful candidacy in 2017. The objectives of the organisation are to promote professional cooperation among member SAIs and other organisations, to encourage the exchange of information and documentation, or to work towards the harmonisation of terminology in the field of public sector audit.

XI. EUROSAI Congress was to take place in Praque these days. The main message and vision of the Congress is "3C-3E-3I". It expresses the goal to provide all participants with easily accessible and usable information for their work. Information they will be able to readily use upon their arrival home. Participation in the Congress should be the impetus for each delegation that desires to instantly propel their work forward to the benefit of citizens in the given country. It is the citizens to whom SAIs should bring added value.

Each of the three Congress days was to embody the 3Cs - communication, cooperation and comparison. And this vision is still alive. Let´s see how Czech SAO and SAO SR changed own work in these difficult times.

Watch the video on Youtube - Mr. Miloslav Kala, president Czech Supreme audit office

Watch the video on Youtube - Mr. Ľubomír Andrassy, vice-president SAO SR

EUROSAI is the European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions. It was established in 1990 and currently has 50 members. One of the is the SAO SR. President SAO SR Karol Mitrík sent greetings to his colleagues in Prague.

Karol Mitrík, president SAO SR, prepare for trip to Prague

More details here.