Events & Projects


About Capacity Building Committee

The Capacity Building Committee (CBC) one of the three INTOSAI Committees (for CBC position in INTOSAI structure, see simplified INTOSAI organisational structure in INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS/INTOSAI.

The capacity building committee is the INTOSAI advocate and custodian for SAI capacity development

CBC facilitates initiatives in support of SAIs and regions building their capacities and enhancing their capabilities.

In order for the CBC to fulfill this important role, the CBC is adding value to the capacity-building sphere of INTOSAI. The CBC will do this by:

  • strategically and constructively challenging current structures, priorities, programmes and activities, including identifying and addressing capacity-building overlaps, gaps and inconsistencies within INTOSAI;
  • partnering with those already in the capacity-building game, encouraging capacity-building providers and practitioners, especially the IDI, to focus on their areas of strength, enabling a greater impact of their efforts where possible;
  • championing closer cooperation between the CBC, PSC and KSC in the interest of capacity building and the efficient use of INTOSAI resources;
  • facilitating a greater capacity-building role for the INTOSAI regions, from both a participation and an accountability angle, while recognising their diversity;
  • supporting capacity building through knowledge sharing, for example by championing communities of practice, supporting inter- and cross regional knowledge sharing, or encouraging coordinated audits;
  • supporting the verification or assessment of capacity-building efforts in the form of peer and/or self-assessments, such as ISSAI 5600 on peer reviews and the INTOSAI Performance Measurement Framework, or different forms of external evaluations; and
  • exploring opportunities and encouraging initiatives for the certification and accreditation of auditors, in coordination with the INTOSAI’s Finance and Administration Committee and all relevant INTOSAI stakeholders.

CBC encourages the use of existing CBC guides, and continues to consider if/when such guides may need to be updated. Furthermore, the CBC aims to encourage and promote the use of regional guides and materials globally, in order to avoid duplication of efforts.  In order for this ambition to succeed, the CBC cooperates closely with the INTOSAI regions, as well as the PSC and the KSC.

Another initiative of the CBC is INTOSAI White paper (in collaboration with the INTOSAI’s Finance and Administration Committee and the Task Force on Strategic Planning) – on future options for the certification and professionalization of INTOSAI auditors. (For details see separate document named Professional Development in INTOSAI – white paper)

The key strategic goals approved at the CBC meeting in Stockholm 2014 related to:

  1. identifying needs and finding solutions;
  2. promoting professionalism at all levels of INTOSAI;
  3. supporting value-adding capacity development initiatives throughout INTOSAI with particular focus on the regions, and
  4. engaging strategically with the wider development community in the interest of SAI capacity development.

These goals were to be incorporated as CBC’s input towards the INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2016 – 2021.

In the picture - Kimi Makwetu – CBC Chair (left) and Magnus Lindell – CBC Vice-Chair JPG (192 kB)

Kimi Makwetu – CBC Chair (left) and Magnus Lindell – CBC Vice-Chair

More about CBC on

CBC meeting in Stockholm 2015

The CBC meeting in Stockholm 2015 was the highlight of the CBC 2015 calendar. The turnout exceeded organizers’ expectations, with representatives from all INTOSAI regions, all INTOSAI Goal Chairs, the IDI and the INTOSAI Donor-Chairs and Secretariat, the Director of Strategic Planning, the INTOSAI Journal and a number of important external stakeholders and development partners attending. The diversity of the group and the dedication of all participants to the common cause of SAI capacity building made the discussions creative and constructive.

The meeting was evidence that SAI can be an instrument of hope and restorer of public confidence, as conveyed by Auditor-General of Sierra Leone Lara Taylor-Pearce during the meeting.

Also the first formal Regional Forum on Capacity Development (RFCD) took place in Stockholm. This forum, in particular, invited the INTOSAI regions to support each other and to share knowledge and experiences in various capacity development areas, and consider what it takes for regional organisations to operate in a professional manner. Based on the Lima discussions, the regional forum will ensure that the CBC continues to focus on strategic regional issues, building on key regional capacity development issues identified during the CBC Lima meeting.

The CBC meeting in Stockholm took place just two weeks before the United Nations adopted the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development:  Transforming our world and called the SAIs to consider the part that the INTOSAI auditors can play in the positive transformation of the world and, especially in building effective and accountable institutions at all levels. That created impetus for all task oriented SAIs and individuals.

The INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee meeting in Stockholm was attended by the Slovak delegation led by Igor Šulaj, the SAI of Slovakia Vice-President.

The meeting was chaired by the SAI of South Africa that leads CBC since 2013 and SAI of Sweden, the CBC Vice-Chair. The meeting deliberations included the matters of:

  • INTOSAI CBC Sub-Committee on Cooperative Audits chaired by SAI of Peru;
  • INTOSAI CBC Sub-Committee on Peer Reviews chaired by SA)I of Slovakia;
  • Task Force on Certification of Auditors;
  • IntoSAINT;
  • Regional discussion forum on capacities building;
  • Development of CBC values;
  • Professionalization of regions;
  • SAI capacities in the view of the UN Post 2015 Development Agenda;
  • INTOSAI CBC Steering Committee.

At the Sub-Committee on Peer Review meeting, moderated by Imrich Gál from the SAI of Slovakia´s International Relations Division, the Sub-Committee activities of the last year were presented. They included the status quo of the ISSAI 5600 revision, global peer review survey 2015 results and the Sub-Committee future activities to INCOSAI 2016 and beyond. The SAI of Slovakia´s Vice-President Igor Šulaj presented to the CBC Steering Committee the report about the Sub-Committee activities. The report about the Sub-Committee work and ISSAI 5600 state of play were welcomed and applauded. The Steering Committee took a note of report and ISSAI 5600 revision, recommended to follow the Due Process for INTOSAI Professional Standards and present both to the INTOSAI Governing Board in November 2015.

At a separate trilateral meeting attended by Kimi Makwetu, the CBC Chair and Auditor General of the SAI of South Africa, Magnus Lindell, CBC Vice-Chair and Deputy Auditor General of SAI of Sweden and Igor Šulaj, representing the Sub-Committee on Peer Review Chair, the consensual expression of further works and direction of the Sub-Committee in future was reached.

In the pichture - CBC Stockholm 2014 meeting participants JPG (192 kB)

CBC Stockholm 2014 meeting participants

More about CBC Stockholm 2015 meeting on

Concept paper for INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee Strategic development 2014-2016

The Concept paper for the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee – Strategic development 2014-2016 was presented  to the CBC wider community at the CBC Lima 2014 meeting.

At the XXI INCOSAI in Beijing in 2013, the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee was given a clear mandate to reform its work and improve efficiency.  In giving the CBC a mandate to reform,

INCOSAI recognised that the world of capacity building in INTOSAI has moved on substantially since 2004 when the committee was originally formed.

With a changing arena, INTOSAI’s capacity-building efforts need to focus less on the development of guidance, relying more on other INTOSAI  actors including the better-funded IDI and the regions. Primary areas of focus will be advocacy, coordination and facilitation within the INTOSAI community as well as in relation to donors and other external actors and stakeholders.

For more on CBC:

  • Value proposition
  • Building on strong relationships, and
  • Effective communication,

read the Concept paper.

Concept paper CBC 2014 NO PDF (411 kB)
White Paper - Professional Development NO PDF (730 kB)