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The Supreme Audit Institutions of the Slovak Republic and Russian Federation agreed on Cooperation

Bratislava, February 20, 2020 - President of the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (SAO SR) Karol Mitrík and Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (ACRF) Aleksei Kudrin  signed today the Agreement on Cooperation between the two institutions based on the principles of the 2011 UN General Assembly resolution and INTOSAI and EUROSAI provisions. Representatives of both institutions discussed a wide number of topics at a joint bilateral seminar in Bratislava.

In the picture - From the right - President of the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (SAO SR) Karol Mitrík and Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (ACRF) Aleksei Kudrin JPG (388 kB)

The cooperation within the Agreement will aim at exchanging experience and organising joint research projects and activities in areas of common interest, including consultations, seminars, round tables, conferences on the main issues of external state audit (control). Mutual activities will also concern the area of training and improvement in professional standards and professional skills of employees.

Karol Mitrík and Aleksei Kudrin also agreed to exchange information and reference materials related to both audit institutions and to perform joint or parallel audit and analytical activities. Both institutions will develop cooperation on the bilateral basis as well as within INTOSAI and EUROSAI.

At the bilateral seminar, the SAO SR and ACRF delegations discussed development strategies, digitisation, strategic audit, quality control assessment, openness, and transparency of audit institutions' activities.

In the picture - From the right - President of the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (SAO SR) Karol Mitrík and Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (ACRF) Aleksei Kudrin JPG (454 kB)

Since September 2019, ACRF Chairman Aleksei Kudrin has become the President of INTOSAI. Within this framework, the key challenge the world audit institutions are looking for is to set up controls to provide the public with an indication of whether the key objectives of the society development are met, whether public resources are used in a meaningful and effective way. All these issues aimed at promoting the progress of public auditing were discussed in Moscow at the INTOSAI Congress and outlined in the Moscow Declaration. Likewise, whether Member States are fulfilling their obligations to the UN.

In the picture - From the right - President of the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (SAO SR) Karol Mitrík and Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (ACRF) Aleksei Kudrin JPG (376 kB)