Audit compendia 

The Audit Compendium a new type of publication, which issues The Contact Commitee. It meant to enhance the communication of relevant audit messages to its stakeholders and the broader public. 


Municipality own companies

The topic of this first EUROSAI TFMA Audit Compendium “Municipality-owned companies” was approved by all members at the 2nd Annual Meeting held in November 2018 in Belgrade. In the Audit Compendium is also he Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (SAO SR). SAO SR carried out an audit in which it investigated how the entities of territorial self-government managed its property participation in commercial companies. The audit examined the long-term financial assets of the municipalities worth EUR 227.03 mil. The audited period was 2015, respectively, the period from 2013 to 2015 for selected, audited areas (activities of the company bodies and control activities).

2020, Audit compendium, Municipality-owned companies PDF (1 MB)


Public health

The Compendium from december 2019 provides some background information on public health, its legal bases, main objectives and related responsibilities at Member State and EU levels. The Compendium also illustrates the main challenges the EU and its Member States are facing in this field. Public health is a complex area to audit. Nevertheless, the large number of audits carried out in recent years reflects the great significance of this domain for EU citizens.

2019, Audit Compendium, Public health PDF (9,7 MB)


Youth unemployment and the integretion of young people into the labour market

This first edition from june 2018 is dedicated to the highly topical issue of youth unemployment and the integration of young people into the labour market. It is based on audit reports produced by 14 CC members between 2013 and 2017.

Youth unemployment stands at the top of the agendas of most EU Member States and of the European Institutions. In 2016, over 4 million young Europeans could not find work and the proportion facing long-term unemployment remains high. The CC members aim to ensure at national and supra-national level that the funds used to combat youth unemployment are used effectively.

2018, Audit Compendium, Youth unemloyment PDF (2,3 MB)