INTOSAI Subcommittee on Peer Review - SAO
Tasks/responsibilities of CBC Subcommittee on Peer Review Chair
Prepare subcommittee meetings: draft the agenda and circulate it among subcommittee members, send out the invitation, invite guests/experts if the case may be, ensure the distribution of meeting documents to the subcommittee members.
Chair subcommittee meetings.
Ensure follow-up of meetings: draft the minutes and circulate them among subcommittee members, ensure the implementation of the decisions made.
Representation of the Subcommittee:
From time to time, there are requests of other SAIs with regard to peer review issues. If the request concerns a bigger issue, inform the subcommittee members on it (like the presentation on peer review at the EUROSAI-ARABOSAI-Conference in March 2011).
Act as liaison with the CBC Chair and Steering Committee, the INTOSAI Governing Board and the Congress: present reports, proposals and documents of the subcommittee to these INTOSAI bodies, and, on the other hand, inform the subcommittee members on decisions relevant for the subcommittee, taken by these bodies.
Implementation of tasks/decisions:
Initiate actions within the subcommittee mandate.
Ensure and monitor the implementation of the Action Plan which includeed the following main tasks:
Further develop and update the peer review documentation: esp. carry out the annual e-mail survey, assess the results.
Further promote and disseminate peer review records:
- if required, presentations at seminars/conferences;
- ensure that the subcommittee’s section on the CBC website is updated;
- ensure that formal documents are available in the five INTOSAI languages;Revision of Peer Review Guide and Checklist as needed and according to the feedback received (within the task group)
Reporting responsibilities:
Report at the meeting of the CBC Steering Committee (annually) – written report meeting.
Report at the meeting of the INTOSAI Governing Board (annually) – written report meeting; the Subcommittee chair is – ex officio – observer in the INTOSAI Governing Board.
Every three years: report at the CBC meeting (which usually takes place at the margins of the INCOSAI) and at the INCOSAI.
Global Peer Review Products
SAIs Heads Statements on Peer Review (PDF, 228 kB)
Flyer 2016 ISSAI 5600 Revised (PDF, 624 kB)
Flyer 2015 ISSAI 5600 Revised (PDF, 506 kB)
Flyer 2016 Survey (PDF, 699 kB)
Flyer 2014 Global Survey (PDF, 509 kB)
Flyer 2015 Global Survey (PDF, 786 kB)
Flyer 2017 Global Survey (PDF, 1,4 MB)
Flyer 2019 Global Survey (PDF, 1,4 MB)
IJGA about PR and SAO SR
About International Journal of Government Auditing
The International Journal of Government Auditing (IJGA) is published quarterly (January, April, July, October) in Arabic, English, French, German, and Spanish. As the official publication of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), the IJGA supports cooperation, collaboration, and continuous improvement among supreme audit institutions (SAI) and the broader accountability community.
The IJGA has been available online since 1999. In 2007, the IJGA site was redesigned and expanded to take full advantage of current technology and to offer additional material not available in the print version.
SAO SR nominated for Elmer B. Staats International Journal Award 2016
The Elmer B. Staats International Journal Award is presented by the International Journal of Government Auditing (the Journal), the official communication tool of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), at each International Congress of Supreme Audit Organizations (INCOSAI). The purpose of the Staats Award is to encourage excellence in the writing of articles for the Journal. The award also commemorates the important contribution made to the Journal by Dr. Elmer B. Staats, the 5th Comptroller General of the United States and a founding editor of the Journal.
SAO SR was nominated at the XXII INCOSAI 2016 in Abu Dhabi. The Elmer B. Staats Award selection process began in February of 2016, compiling the 32 articles submitted from the January 2013 to the Autumn 2015 of the Journal, which included submissions by representatives from the European Court of Auditors, the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions, and the following SAIs:
Brazil |
Ireland |
Romania |
Canada |
Japan |
Russia |
Denmark |
Korea |
Slovakia |
Finland |
Malta |
Slovenia |
France |
Nepal |
South Africa |
Germany |
Netherlands |
United Kingdom |
Greece |
Pakistan |
Hungary |
Qatar |
In accordance with the Terms of Reference for the Elmer B. Staats Award, those eligible to vote for the recipient of the Elmer B. Staats Award include members of the INTOSAI Journal Board of Editors, which include the SAIs of Austria, Canada, Tunisia, United States of America, and Venezuela, and the INTOSAI Journal Associate Editors, namely the General Secretariats of AFROSAI, ARABOSAI, ASOSAI, CAROSAI, EUROSAI, OLACEFS, and PASAI.
Judges assessed article submissions based on a set of five criteria:
contribution to knowledge and originality;
subject matter, scope, relevance, and utility to the work of audit offices and member nations of INTOSAI;
literary merit, including use of language and expression;
evidence of research; and
imaginative treatment, flexibility, explanatory and illustrative ability.
The results of the final assessment, according to the five stated criteria, were then tabulated by the Journal’s editor.
The winner for Elmer B. Staats Award 2016 was declared the SAI of Nepal.
For more on International Journal of Government Auditing visit:
2011 IJGA October 2011 p 10 (PDF, 3 MB)
2013 IJGA April 2013 p 31 (PDF, 2,3 MB)
2013 IJGA October 2013 p 28 (PDF, 2,6 MB)
2014 IJGA January 2014 p 47 (PDF, 5,5 MB)
2014 IJGA July 2014 p 30 (PDF, 2,7 MB)
2014 JIGA October 2014 p 20 (PDF, 2,4 MB)
2015 IJGA April 2015 p 31 (PDF, 6 MB)
2015 IJGA Autumn 2015 p 24 (PDF, 3,3 MB)
2015 IJGA Summer 2015 p 16 and 30 - 31 (PDF, 6,3 MB)
2016 IJGA Autumn 2016 p. 44 (PDF, 4 MB)
2017 IJGA Summer 2017 (PDF, 10,1 MB)
2017 IJGA Autumn 2017 (PDF, 12,7 MB)
2018 IJGA Spring 2018 (PDF, 4,9 MB)
2018 IJGA Summer 2018 (PDF, 12,6 MB)
2019 IJGA Summer Editorial (PDF, 679 kB)
2020 IJGA Spring (PDF, 5,2 MB)
2020 IJGA Autumn (PDF, 115 kB)
The INTOSAI´s Capacity Building Committee and its Sub-Committees deliberations
The INTOSAI´s Capacity Building Committee (CBC) and its Sub-Committees including the Sub-Committee to Promote Best Practices and Quality Assurance through Voluntary Peer Reviews chaired by the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (SAO SR) met at its yearly meeting in Lima, Peru. Igor Šulaj, the SAO SR Vice-President with Slovak delegation attended the meeting.
The meeting, chaired by the SAI of the South Africa (Chair since 2013), and its arrangements allowed all Committee members not only their participation at the Committee plenary sessions but also at the Committee organs (Steering Committee and its two Sub-Committees) – that was a novelty and contribution of the new Committee Chair. Such approach allowed all members to play active role in the CBC work.
The meeting subject matter were the deliberations of The Sub-Committee to Promote Best Practices and Quality Assurance through Voluntary Peer Reviews and The Sub-Committee to Develop Advisory and Consultant services, the work team concerned by the auditors certification and CBC Steering Committee.
The plenary deliberations had the following topics:
the impact of the coordinated audits, peer review and SAI PMF (Performance Measurement Framework) onto the capacity building;
strengthening the SAI capacities – building and strengthening strategic partnerships;
capacity building to fulfil the expectations arising from the Post 2015 UN Development Agenda;
intra-regional cooperation possibilities.
The programme was accompanied by the presentations of the regional working groups from EUROSAI, AFROSAI, OLACEFS, ASOSAI, ASEANSAI, ARABOSAI and PASAI; they informed on their regional SAIs work and the needs for effective discharge of their competencies.
The meeting goal also was to present and discuss the CBC further work concept and strategic development leading up to the next INTOSAI Congress in 2016. At the end of the meeting, the proposal for the CBC and its Sub-Committees future work was adopted.
2013 - Subcommittee meeting in Bratislava
Minutes SC3 Bratislava (PDF, 358 kB)
List of Participants (PDF, 337 kB)
Meeting Agenda (PDF, 439 kB)
2013 - Subcommittee at INCOSAI Beijing
Action Plan 2013 - 2016 (PDF, 217 kB)
Presentation Beijing 2013 (PDF, 1,8 MB)
Report to Plenary session 2013 (PDF, 291 kB)
2013 - Report Steer. Committee 2013 - Rabat
Report to Steering Committee 2013 (PDF, 241 kB)
Action Plan 2013 - 2016 (PDF, 217 kB)
Agenda 2013 (PDF, 212 kB)
Minutes of Rabat CBC Meeting (PDF, 288 kB)
2012 - Subcommittee meeting - Luxembourg
Report to Steering Committee 2012 (PDF, 173 kB)
Action Plan_2012-2016(PDF, 215 kB)
Agenda 2012 (PDF, 286 kB)
Minutes 2012 (PDF, 347 kB)
2012 - Report Steer. Committee - Oslo
Report to Steering Committee 2012 (PDF, 173 kB)
Minutes SC3 2012 (PDF, 198 kB)
2011 - Subcommittee meeting - Vienna
Minutes 2011 (PDF, 35 kB)
Agenda 2011 (PDF, 19 kB)
2011 - Report Steer. Committee 2011 - Marrakesh
Minutes SC 3 Meeting (PDF, 299 kB)
2011 Report to Steer.Com (PDF, 129 kB)
2010 - Subcommittee meeting - Bonn
Agenda 2010 (PDF, 5 kB)
Minutes 2010 (PDF, 26 kB)
2010 - Report Steer. Committee - Washington
Report SC3 (PDF, 40 kB)
ISSAI 5600 Checklist (PDF, 227 kB)
ISSAI 5600 Guide (PDF, 173 kB)
Minutes With (PDF, 26 kB)
2006 - CBC meeting inaugural - London
Minutes CBC Meeting London 2007 En (PDF, 311 kB)
Created Date: 06.10.2023
Last Modified: 06.10.2023