Events & Projects

Audit Information System Project

Audit Information System Project

The objective of the National project was to develop Auditing Information System for the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic and design, develop, deploy and provide new generic electronic services of eGovernment (catalogue of services), ensured and provided by the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic.

The project objectives:

  • To increase the awareness of citizens about the audit activities of the SAO SR and their results – transparency in public administration activities.
  • To increase effectiveness of audit activities and thus the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of public resources management by entities audited by the SAO SR.
  • To increase effectiveness and quality of the auditees´ internal audit processes.
  • To stimulate international cooperation.

The project Development of Auditing Information System of SAO SR (DAIS SAO SR) conducted until 2015 allowed building integrated information system to support SAO SR processes and secure implementation of electronic service.     

Auditing Information System (AIS) supports the auditors’ ´ work through secure connection to accessible knowledge about auditees, interaction with audit systems and audited subjects ´ auditors, creation of audits database, audit findings, recommendations and audit reports as well as conformity of the audit methodology to international standards and audit methods.      

The AIS main contribution is:

  • Performed activities effectiveness increase;
  • Electronisation of documentation and lowering use of paper;
  • Possibility to share information and documents;
  • Possibility to perform distance cooperation;
  • Decrease of administrative burden at all levels of management;
  • Decrease of extent and reporting forms within the frame of set organisational and process structures;
  • Possibility to analyse and measure the processes performance;
  • Extent and quality of audits;
  • Increase of information safety;
  • Handling of documents in credible manner;
  • Electronic management of register and archives integrated with audit processes;
  • Implementation of audit methodology according to international audit standards and good practice used within INTOSAI and EUROSAI;
  • Improvement of the quality of economic, effective and efficient public resources use based on generally accepted standards in EU;
  • Making accessible SAO SR electronic service to citizens, businessmen and public administration;
  • Creation of auditees registers.

Development of Auditing Information System of the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic PDF (2,2 MB)

In the Picture - The contract for the Development of Auditing Information System of SAO SR (DAIS SAO SR) and the provision of services to support its operations was signed by President of the SAO SR Ján Jasovský and Chairman of the Board of Asseco Central Europe, Inc., Jozef Klein on 1. October 2013. JPG (159 kB)

The contract for the Development of Auditing Information System of SAO SR (DAIS SAO SR) and the provision of services to support its operations was signed by President of the SAO SR Ján Jasovský and Chairman of the Board of Asseco Central Europe, Inc., Jozef Klein on 1. October 2013.